The finals will take place on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd July as follows:
Wednesday 21st July:
6.45 Under 14 Final: Tralee Boys V Cork Hygiene
7.30 Reserve Final: Flemings Taxis V The Castle Inn 
Thursday 22nd July:
6.00pm Under 16 Final: 4 Star Pizza V No Name Club
6.45pm Over 35 Final: Beaufort Bar & Restaurant V McSorleys
7.30pm Premier Final: I.C. Photo V Falveys
Killarney Athletic is hosting a race night in Mustang Sallys on Friday July 23rd. The Senior awards presentation will take place on the night. Everyone (club and 7-A-Side participants) is welcome and your support would be greatly appreciated as this is the end of season event.
Horses can be purchased for €20 by emailing: NAME OF HORSE & NAME OF OWNER to before Monday.  Payment can be made on the night or to any committee member in the meantime.  

This entry was posted on Friday, July 16th, 2010 at 7:55 pm and is filed under Club Notes.