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Killarney Athletic A.F.C. Notes
Seniors B’s
Killarney Athletic B 2 Cedar Galaxy 1
This cup game was played at a very fast pace but Athletic were in control and played some very good soccer with some very good passing. At half time it was nil all. In the second half Athletic found the net with goals from Robin O’Dea and Conor Magill and were never in trouble. A late consolation goal by Cedar never put Athletic in trouble. Best for Athletic were Colin Moynihan who was superb in centre half Robin O’Dea who was playing up front. The quarter finals await.
Seniors – Fixture
Greyhound Bar Cup Final Killarney Athletic v St Brendans Park
Mounthawk Park on Saturday at 7.00pm. Please support your team for this very important game.
Killarney Athletic 2 Park 2
In a very entertaining game our youths will be happy with this result. Missing several players Athletic took the game to Park and were rewarded 20 minutes in with a well taken Conor Magill goal. However two goals, one either side of half time from the Park saw us a goal down. With time running out Athletic pushed forward and were level with 10 minutes to go with a perfect strike, from outside the box by Cillian Fitzgerald. Well done to the boys. Special mention to man of the match Cian Horan and to Pa Howard for his help on the day.
Under 12
Athletic Under 12s are going paint balling on sat 2nd July. A presentation of medals for the cup final will be given after. The management team would like to thank the parents for all their help during the year and we look forward to the coming season.
Annual General Meeting
Killarney Athletic’s AGM was held last Friday evening in the Dromhall Hotel. The committee is as follows: Don O’Donoghue Chairman, Tom Tobin Vice Chairman, Colette Casey Secretary, Shane Kelly Assistant Secretary, Basil Sheerin/Colette Casey Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer, Geraldine Nagle Child Welfare OfficerVice Secretary, and Mary McCarrick PRO. A big thank you to the Dromhall Hotel for the use of their meeting room and the refreshments for the AGM and for all their hospitality throughout the year.
35th 7-A-Side Tournament Sponsored by Killarney Credit Union           
See for fixtures list, information on previous 7-A-Side Tournaments and for updates throughout the tournament and the summer.
Fundraising GRAND DRAW 2011 Tickets €10 
1ST PRIZE: Family Holiday for Four
2ND PRIZE: Trip for two to see Ireland V Slovakia including transport and accomodation for one night.
3RD PRIZE: Weekend Break for two to a range of destinations.
4TH PRIZE: Flat Screen H.D. T.V.
5TH PRIZE: €100 vouchers. Draw will take place on the night of the 7-A-Side Finals.
Tickets €10.00 each or a book of 6 for €50.00. Tickets can also be purchased from any club officer.
Club Merchandise:
Killarney Athletic merchandise now on sale at Killarney Trophy Centre, 1st Floor. Amber Petrol Station/Carry Out, Muckross Road/Ross Road. Gift vouchers also available.
FAI summer soccer schools in Kerry 2011
Book on line at or call 1890 653 653.
Best wishes: Killarney Athletic would like to wish our Chairman Don O’Donoghue a very speedy recovery on his recent illness.
Facebook: We are now on facebook where you can keep up to date with all the latest news on the Club’s activities.
Killarney Athletic Website: Please check the website on for match reports, club information and contact details.
Contact: If you have anything to add to Killarney Athletic notes please contact Mary McCarrick on 087 7750773 or

This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 at 8:42 am and is filed under Club Notes.