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Killarney Athletic A.F.C. Notes
Killarney Athletic A.F.C. Annual 7 A Side
36th 7-A-Side Tournament Sponsored by Killarney Credit Union
Underage Tournament Under 10/12
The underage tournament under 10/12 will take place on weekend of 13/14th July. Awards
Along with the Premier and Reserve Cups, The Kieran Cahillane Senior Player of the Tournament Award will be on offer for the outstanding player on view, while The Johnny Heffernan Underage Player of the Tournament Award will also be up for grabs. In an added feature of this year’s programme of events, in addition to free entry to the 2013 tournament for the Premier Cup winners, will be the prize of a full team kit from Umbro. There will also be tickets on sale for a Grand Draw with plenty of valuable prizes up for grabs.
Senior B Team Domino’s Cup final
Best of luck to the senior B team who play Listowel on Saturday at 7.30 in Mounthawk Park in the Domino’s Cup final.
Youths Jimmy Falvey Memorial cup final
Best of luck to the Youths team who take on St Brendan’s Park in the Jimmy Falvey memorial cup final on Sunday at 2.30 in Mounthawk Park.
Annual Golf Classic
Killarney Athletic’s annual golf classic takes place on Saturday 11th August in Laccabane course. Teams of 3 €150.00. Our golf classic has become an important fundraiser for the club as well as being a great social occasion. We ask as many club members old and new to get behind this event and continue its success.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 27th July. Please submit any motions and nominations to by Friday 20th July.
Condolences: Sincere sympathy is extended to the Maguire family on the death of their Mother and to the O’Donoghue family on the death of their Father.
Killarney Athletic Website: Please check the website on or facebook for match reports, club information and contact details.
Club Merchandise:
Killarney Athletic merchandise now on sale at Killarney Trophy Centre, 1st Floor. Amber Petrol Station/Carry Out, Muckross Road/Ross Road. Gift vouchers also available.
Contact: If you have anything to add to Killarney Athletic A.F.C. notes please contact Mary McCarrick on 087 7750773 or

This entry was posted on Monday, July 16th, 2012 at 11:37 am and is filed under Club Notes.