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Killarney Athletic AFC Notes
Under 13 Premier League
Killarney Athletic 3 Kingdom Boys 1
We put Kingdom Boys under a lot of pressure from the off and eventually took the lead midway through the first half when Michael Casey scored. It remained 1- 0 at the break. After the break Athletic dominated most areas and were rewarded when Ronan Buckley scored to give us a 2 goal lead. The game was wrapped up 10 minutes later when an excellent cross by Adam O’Shea at the edge of the area was put away by Keith Moloney. Kingdom Boys did pull one back with a couple of minutes remaining to leave the final score line of 3-1.
Under 13 Division 2
Killarney Athletic 6 Listowel Celtic 3
Athletic took full advantage of a very strong wind in the first half with goals from Aidan Fleming, Paul Clarke, David Hartnett, David Naughton and 2 from Michael Owen Buckley put us 6-0 up at half time. Listowel to their credit never gave up and pulled 3 goals back in the second half to leave the final score line 6 – 3 to Athletic.
11.00am Killarney Athletic v Asdee
11.00am Killorglin v Killarney Athletic
Girls under 12
12.00 noon Killarney Celtic v Killarney Athletic
Club Merchandise:
Killarney Athletic merchandise now on sale at Killarney Trophy Centre, Glebe Lane. Gift vouchers also available.
Under 7, 8, 9 and 10s Friday at 4.30 and finish at 6.00 p.m.
Under 11 Thursdays at 6.00pm to 7.00pm in the Community College
Under 12 Thursdays 7.00pm to 8.00pm in the Community College
Under 13 Tuesdays at 5.30pm, Killarney Athletic, Woodlawn
Under 14 Mondays in Killarney Athletic, Woodlawn at 6.15pm to 8.00pm & Wednesdays 7.00pm – 8.00pm in the Killarney Sports & Leisure Hall
Under 15 Wednesdays at 7.30pm Killarney Athletic, Woodlawn
Under 16 Thursdays at 6.15pm Killarney Athletic, Woodlawn
Girls Under 8 & 10
Wednesdays at 6.15pm Killarney Athletic, Woodlawn
Condolences: Sincere Sympathy is extended to Michael O’Sullivan former Killarney Athletic Chairman and to his brother John and extended O’Sullivan family on the death of James.
Sincere Sympathy is also extended to the Murphy family on their recent sad loss of John.
Congratulations to Eamon Keogh & Don McMonagle on their recent photography awards.
Killarney Athletic Website:
Please check the website on for club information and training times & fixtures.
Contact: If you have anything to add to Killarney Athletic notes please contact Mary McCarrick on 087 7750773 or

This entry was posted on Saturday, March 5th, 2011 at 2:28 pm and is filed under Club Notes.